Selasa, 09 Oktober 2012

Literature Task

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Poetry, short story, novel, drama and film
Submitted as assignment Final Examination

Compiled By:

              Wahyudi (2109100049)


Who Is She Coming
Cino da Pistoia (1270-1336) (tr.D.G. Rosseti)

Who is she coming, whom all gaze upon,
Who makes the air all tremulous with light,
And at whose side is Love himself ?that none
Dare speak, but each man’s sigh are infinite.
Ah me !how she looks round from left to right,
Let Love discourse: I may not speak thereon.
Lady she seems of such high bension
As makes all others graceless in men’s sight.
The honor which is hers cannot be said;
To whom are subject all things nbeauteos own her deity.
Ne’er was to mind of man so nobly led,
Nor yet was such redemption granted  us
That should ever know her perfectly.

The Passionate Shepherd to His Love
By Christopher Marlowe
Come live with me and be my Love,
And we will all the pleasures prove
That hills and valleys, dale and field,
Or woods, steepy mountains yield.
Where will we sit upon the rocks
And see the shepherds feed their flocks,
By shallow rivers, to whose falls
Melodious birds sing madrigals.
And I will make thee beds of roses
Andthen a thousand fragrant posies
A cap of flowers, and a kirtle,
Embroined all with leaves of myrtle;
A gown made of the finest wool
Which from our pretty lambs we pull,
Slippers, lined choicely for the cold,
With buckles of the purest gold.
A belt of straw and ivy buds
With coral clasps and amber studs:
And if these pleasures may thee move,
Come live with me and be my Love
Thy silver dishes, for thy meat
As precious as the gods do eat,
Shall on an ivory table be 
Prepared each day for thee and me.
The shepherd swains shall dance and sing
For thy delight each May-morning: 
If these delights thy mind may move,
Come live with me and be my Love.

A.Who is she coming
1).Lady she seems of such high bension
             In this stanza the poet descripts the woman like superior person and she is an extraordinary woman who can make every man love her.
             2). that should ever know her perfectly.
            It is mean evaluation woman is not enough seeing her beauty only, but we must seeing inner beauty a woman so we can decide she is  a perfectly woman after know  her personally.

     The Passionate Shepherd to His Love
            1).That hills and valleys, dale and field
            The poet implies that the entire geography of the countryside of England Valleys, groves, hills and fields will prove to contain pleasure of all kinds for the lovers.
            2).Melodious birds sing madrigals.
            The stanza means birds sing descript him love and they singing imagine about him feeling to her.

B. Beauty Of The Language
     “Who is she coming” is an expression of a big admires the object as a superior person. The writer takes words of similes such as; “such a high bension”,”as redemption granted” and to express her personality. She is an extraordinary one. Who can makes the air tremulous with light. And her makes every man loves her, and makes all others woman graceless on men’s sight on time. The writer describes the woman as a interesting one.
     In the “The Passionate Shepherd to His Love”, the poet takes similes and metaphors to describe his feeling on hat time. With them, he tried to make the woman agree with his invitation. He takes words and phrases which expressing a good time, comfort, and beautiful. They are “madrigal songs”, ”bird singing”, “myrtle”, “pretty lambs”, “gold”, Finest gown”, “as precious as good”, etc. all the words and phrases are use to be his mate.

    Moral values
    This is love poem “Who is she coming”. Mean that common people love some one by seeing appearance only. Mostly people think that something nice and beautiful is suitable and fit for them. And try to have it with all consequently. Cino da Pistoia tried to tell us that people have wrong perception about a woman. He wrote “That should ever know her perfectly”. It means evaluation a woman is not enough with seeing her beauty only. And what her loks like is not a guarantee to give us happiness. And the most important is something inside. Characters and education are more valuable than proportion of organs. Although, it is a fact if the writer said that the woman is very interesting.

“The Passionate Shepherd to His Love”, tells us show how big his desire to have her. This is love poem. There is nothing important poetry, except about his feeling to make her to be his love. Everything is made and created only for her. He really wants to make her his soul mate. So, that is no room to describe something else, especially information about the woman.

     Writer approaches
“Who is she coming”, it gives us emotion while read its couplet. At the beginning, it created a feeling to pay attention more carefully. It created a big desire to build a curious minds completing and collecting all the information about her as much as possible. But at the end, all the desire and curiousness is disappear with “That should ever know her perfectly”. It is a quite unstable emotion to the readers.
In the “The Passionate Shepherd to His Love”, l get a quite stable emotion in every couplet. From the beginning, the poet always expresses his persuasion only. It happens till the end of the poetry.

Short Story
“To Build A Fire”by(Charles E. May)

In the story, "To Build AFire", the protagonist has to accept that he was not invincible, but a human with a weakness. The man may have been psychologically apt in his own eye but weak against nature and the physical elements. The protagonist displayed defiance in authority when he "laughed" at the advice of the Old-Timer on Sculpture Creek when he told him how cold it gets in the country. The protagonist felt he had everything under control when he made the first fire to keep warm in spite of the numbness of his fingers. The test of egos and wills began to surface when the man was ready to move on and the dog wanted to stay near the fire. However, just as "there was no keen intimacy between the dog and the man" the dog would be the protagonist Constant companion until the man's death.

            The man had to accept that the "fire provider had failed"when he did not have control of his frozen fingers or the building of the fire. Nature had defeated him. The idea in the protagonist wanted to kill the dog to keep himself warm. But the ego along with the man's inability to "neither draw nor hold his sheath knife"caused him not to be able to kill the dog. The aura of death was prevalent. Realizing that he no longer had dominion over his own body as well as accepting his making a "fool of himself"he had to accept the inevitable. Not only did he have to accept death, he had to acknowledge that the Old-Timer was right when warning him about traveling      alone.

            Ironically, while the man was dying, he was angry at the dog because of its natural warmth, instincts that he had, and the survival skills that the dog used. Those were the elements that the man lacked. It was a shame that the protagonist had to suffer and die in order to find out that man's frail body cannot withstand nature's harsh elements in spite of his over-confident, psychological  strength.


The Pearl
     a). Social Issue
            In my opinion after I red the pearl novel, Kino and his people are descendants of the Indian race while the doctor, pearl buyers and trackers are from the Mexican race. Kino and his people are poor fishermen and pearl divers, who live in the brush houses in the fishing village. On the other hand, the Spanish-Mexicans are pearl traders, shop owners, professionals and live a more comfortable life in the city. Kino and his people live as neighbours and are close- knit. Kino’sneighbours are very friendly to his families; they always help to him while Kinowas suffering.whenkino want to sell the pearl the neighbours accompany him to the town to sell it.
     b). Politic Issue
            After I red the novel, I found politic issue when kino want to medicine his son to the doctor but the doctor no want to medicine his son because kino and the doctor have different race. The doctor just to medicine people if they have same race, he want to medicine only rich people but kino is poor people.the doctor want to medicine his son if kino want to sell his pearl to him.
     c). Life Dimension
Ø  Helpful :Appolonia always helps kino and his family when they are adversity.
Ø  Loyalties : it’s proof when kino want to sell his pearl kinoneighbours accompany him to the buyer.
Ø  Friendly
Ø  Respectful
Ø  Polite

“The Old Man and the Sea”
     a). Social Issue
     There is one main social issue in The Old Man and the Sea. The biggest social is the fact that the villagers did not like the Old Man just because he was down on his luck and was not catching any fish. There was not really any reason for them to look down on him, because he had not been cruel to any of them or mean. He was nice to all of them, was very patient with them, and showed them every kindness. He did nothing against any of them, waved to everyone he saw, stayed out of the way of other people, and was just a good guy in general.
     The rest of the villagers looked down on the Old Man because he had not been able to catch any fish recently. The Old Man had been out of luck lately, and no fish had come near him so that he might have even had the chance of catching any, so none of it was even his fault. He had done nothing wrong, he had just not caught anything, so there was no reason for the villagers to dislike him.
     Some of the villagers, the Boy in particular, had nothing against the Old Man, because the Old Man had done nothing wrong and had even taught the Boy how to fish. The Boy really liked the Old Man, and did everything that he could to help him. The Boy's parents though, looked down on the Old Man, because he had not been able to catch anything. They even made the Boy go fish with a different company, because the Old Man had been unlucky. The Boy's parents did not like the Old Man, but there was no apparent reason for their dislike of the Old Man.
     b). Politic issue
     Manolin doesn’t want to leave Santiago, because he is Santiago’s close friend and if he always together him, he feel at the 85th day will be lucky for him because Santiago will get big marlin.
     c). Life dimension
Ø  Friendly :pedrico is the owner of the wine shop who is friendly.
Ø  Loyalties : mandolin is a boy santiago’s close friend who is also kind hearted and friendly.
Ø  Powerful : Santiago is the hero of story.

     What is short story?
     Short story is a “short piece of fiction aiming at unity of characterization, theme and effect.Therefore, a short form, it is shown by the short story is just a part of life experienced by the character.
     What is novel?
     Novel is a story with a long groove fills a book or more, which make up human life, which are imaginative, telling people's lives up to the conflict that can cause changes in the fate of the perpetrators.
     Similarities and Differences betweennovelsand short stories are as follows:
·         Similarities: both represent the new prose literature.
·         Differences:
Ø  In the novel, characterization is described in detail, whereas in the story, characterization is described in brief.
Ø  The novel has a plot more complicated, whereas in the story, the end of the story is simple.
Ø  Inner conflict in the novel, while in the short story should not happen.
Ø  In the novel, the background is more extensive and longer time, whereas in the story, setting only a short and limited.
Ø  The novel is longer than the short story essay, short story shorter, while his compositions.
Ø  Story elements in the novel is more complex and diverse than short stories, while the story elements in the story is relatively simple and a single definite.


    Freedom writer’s film.
    Freedom Writers is a movie adaptation of the true story of the struggle of a teacher.Narrated, Erin Gruwell, an idealistic college-educated woman, came to Woodrow Wilson High School as an English teacher for a special class of children victims of racial gang fights. Erin is very noble mission, to provide proper education for troubled kids that even the more experienced teachers are reluctant to teach them.
     But reality is not always what they think about Erin. On the first day of teaching, he realized that the gang war happening in the city is also carried through into the classroom. In the classroom they sit in groups according to their respective races. No one wants to sit in different racial groups. Small misunderstandings that occur in the classroom can lead to interracial fights.
     Erin tries to conquer his students by asking them to write a kind of diary. In the diary, they can write whatever they want, feel, and experience. This way it worked. Diaries from his students every day back at Erin with their writing about what they experienced and they think about every day.
     From the diaries that, Erin understands that he must make the students aware that they are experiencing gang war is not everything in the world. Through a unique way of teaching, he was trying to make the students aware that the education they will be able to achieve a better life. Despite all his efforts were not supported by fellow teachers and other school parties, Erin continues to advance. In fact, he's willing to sacrifice his spare time moonlighting for the purchase ofbooksthat are useful for their student.
     The result, his students learn the spirit re-emerged. Finally, many of the students in the class of Erin Gruwel who became the first of their families who continue their education into college. Diaries that they wrote was published into a book titled 'The Freedom Writers Diary'.

     Critical analysis
     I think the film is not selling a dream From Zero to Hero, but more showing how one person who cares about the education of children who are regarded as the dregs of society are able to change them to become more useful.
     Freedom Writers has a storyline that is easy to understand and also easy to understand dialogue. Problems-problems adolescents featured in the film are also quite close to the problems teenagers in general, about the search for identity and violations of rules for bracing his own existence. All Things are wrapped in a gang war.
    Freedom Writers can be said is a film for young children. In the middle many teen movie whose story is not far away from love stories, comedy or horror, Freedom Writers could be an option for young people who do not just want to be entertained, but also get some lessons from the film.
    Moral value
          After I watch this film, we can take the messages “the differenceis not thereasonfor thehostile, butwith adifference,wemuststilluphold theunity and integrityand don't make prohibitive difference for us when choose friend because with that differences we can mutually complete”.


     Drama isa literary work that aims to describe the life by displaying disputes / conflicts and emotions through the scenes, dialogue and perfomed on the stage based on the scenario and script. The six essential points of drama :

            1. Thought/Theme/Ideas

            The theme of a drama refers to the central idea of the play. It can either be clearly stated through dialog or action or can be inferred after watching the entire performance.

            2. Action/Plot

            The order of events occurring in a play is referred to as the plot of the drama. It is the basic storyline that is narrated through a play. The entertainment one derives from a play depends largely on the sequence of events that occur in the story. The logical connection between the events and the characters, which enact the story form an integral part of the plot of drama.

            3. Characters

            These are the people presented in the play that are involved in the perusing plot.  Each character should have their own distinct personality, age, appearance, beliefs, socio economic background, and language.
            The story of any play is taken forward by means of the dialog. The story is narrated to the audiences through the dialog written by the playwright. The success of a drama depends hugely on the contents of the dialog and the quality of dialog delivery by the actors of the play.

            5. Setting (Time and place with the event takes).

            6. Style


            Characteristic of drama

a). Is not pure literature

ü  Is compound art and organically stand up with the elements of age setting and histrionic interpretation/ second art.

b). There is more actually and vividness trough dialog action or movement, costume, music ,and scenery that can directly be enjoyed by the audience.

c). is not self-contained.

d). Play is planned to be enjoyed at the single setting.

e). The development of the plot is eliminated.

f). The characterization can be acknowledged by the audiences directly.

g). The setting is exposed in reality but only the most Important natural background/environment. The stage is made up in such a way to give the impression of the real location of a particular period of civilization.

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